why has it got to be so difficult ?
I think it is one of the hardest things EVER ! , not communication in the day to day basis, but when it comes to expressing your feelings for others without letting your feelings get in the way. It is like a big apple gets in my throat and doenst let me speak, not only that but the few working neurons i have left in brain , they just FREEZE . Cant think straight and the most annoying part of it all is that as soon, or shortly after the conversation is finished, everything i wanted to say comes to my mind, expressed in a Linguistically Correct manner and can go through the whole conversation in my mind.
" Easy " you may be thinking now - " say what you want to say afterwards "
I would , if i could remember the conversation that just went through my head ----
I can never replicate it the way it was or even remember everything i wanted to say again...
It would turn itself into a coloquial conversation full of half meanings here and there that are not easy to put together...
Ill be doin a post/topic on Falseness later on today .... some people are just amazing !!
and NO i dont mean that in a good way.
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